Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Any questions?

Fire Away!


Works Cited
Chandler, Caroline A. "Michael Servetus." World Book. 2011. World Book Advanced. Web. 27 Sept. 2011. 
"Michael Servetus." Unitarianism. N.p., 2011. Web. 28 Sept. 2011. < 
"Nontrinitarianism." Wikipedia. N.p., 2011. Web. 5 Oct. 2011. < 

What arguments did Anti Trinitarianists have with the Roman Catholic Church?

Anti Trinitarianism, in its foundation, disagreed in the doctrine of the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They found little basis for it in the Bible and remarked that the idea of the Trinity removed Catholocism as a monotheistic religion as they belived it had turned into a polytheistic belief sysem. Many argued that the trinity was a hindrance to the cultuivation of a personal relationship with god as encouraged by James 4 : 8. They believed that it was God only that led them to faith and salvation. In proofs, they quoted 1 Corinthians 14:33, " God is not a god of confusion." Anti-Trinitarianists used this and other verses to interpret that God was singular and the Trinity had little, if any biblical basis.

Anti Trinitarianists also rejected the doctrine of original sin, and used to biblical verses as well to back up their points.

What was the global and local impacts of Anti Trinitarianism?

Two major things came out of the death of Michael Servetus.

- Non Trinitarian believers morphed the religion into several new denominations. Some of these included:

  • Bible Students
  • Unitarians
  • Christiadelphians
  • Christian Scientists
  • Iglesia ni Cristo
  • Jehovah's Witnesses 
  • Latter Day Saints
  • Oneness Pentecostals
  • United Church of God
- Michael Servetus's execution served as an example to the splintering of the moral values of the new Protestant belief systems.  His acquaintance, John Calvin acted as his prosecutor, judge and executioner only furthering the idea that selfishness and corruption could be an opportunity to "getting your way".

It is an abuse to condemn to death those who are wrong in their interpretation of the Scriptures. Such penalty must only be imposed to murderers." (Letter to Aecolampadious, Calvini, op. VIII, 862)

How did the sect fall, survive or morph?

When leading Anti Trinitarian reformer, Michael Servetus, was burned at the stake for heresy in 1553 many leaders took his philosophies and applied them to the foundation of other Protestant sects. The branch of Nontrinitarian beliefs led to the :
- Unitarinns
- Bible Students
- christiandelphians
- Christian Scientists
- Iglesia Ni Cristo
- Lattter Day Saints
- Oness Pentecostals
- United Church of God

What arguments did Anti Trinitarianists have with other Protestant sects?

Michael Servetus's beliefs were very controversial. So much that even other protestants wanted to kill him. Some of his largest arguments where that which he had with John Calvin (the founder of Calvinism). The highly competitive pair were once friends at the University of Paris where they studied together. However one key variable tore them apart ; their religious views. Both were unable to admit that the other was right and they rifted apart. Calvin condemned him for not conforming to accepted doctrines. The arguments continued as there lives went on, and eventually led to the trial of Michael Servetus, for heresy. John Calvin acted as a witness, judge and lawyer at the preceding. Servetus ended up dying as a martyr for his cause at the stake.

Servetus also opposed infant baptism, popular to other protestant sects.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How did the sect form?

The beginning of Anti Trinitarianism  in the Protestant Reformation involved Michael Servetus and a reformer named Oecolampadius. Servetus was in the Swiss city of Basel. He was studying Hebrew and Theology with Oecolampadius. However, they had different opinions on the dogma of the trinity. They believed that there was no Holy Spirit. Eventuly Servetus tried to convince the reformer that his view was correct and was "backed up" biblically. Oecolampadius saw Michael's views as radical and kicked him out of his study. Stubborn and opinionated, Servetus left and formed his own Protestant sect.

Who were the founders of Anti Trinitarianism?

Anti Trinitarianism has existed since the foundation of the Holy Trinity at the Council of Nicea. Many reformers have presented their ideas in the past. Yet many regard Spainard Michael Servetus  from Villanueva de Sigena as the founder. This can mostly be attributed to his opinions and life during the Protestant Reformation. A famous Anti Trinitarian scholar, Servetus brought the idea to the forefront and took new followers.