Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What arguments did Anti Trinitarianists have with other Protestant sects?

Michael Servetus's beliefs were very controversial. So much that even other protestants wanted to kill him. Some of his largest arguments where that which he had with John Calvin (the founder of Calvinism). The highly competitive pair were once friends at the University of Paris where they studied together. However one key variable tore them apart ; their religious views. Both were unable to admit that the other was right and they rifted apart. Calvin condemned him for not conforming to accepted doctrines. The arguments continued as there lives went on, and eventually led to the trial of Michael Servetus, for heresy. John Calvin acted as a witness, judge and lawyer at the preceding. Servetus ended up dying as a martyr for his cause at the stake.

Servetus also opposed infant baptism, popular to other protestant sects.

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